3 days, 14 hours, 710 km. My fourth ride home for Christmas is history, this time with gears on a Surly Straggler. I thoroughly enjoyed…

Hello everyone, as it has been pretty quiet here in the last few months, I thought an update would be a great thing to do….

… in a podcast. https://soundcloud.com/owenp-41022119/scottish-cycling-podcast-16-markus-stitz-bikepacking-round-the-world-singlespeed Thanks to Owen Philipson, who runs the Drum Up Scottish Cycling blog, for taking the time to speak to me…

This Thursday we had to celebrate Jay’s new bike purchase, a Jones singlespeed, a perfect machine for bikepacking in Scotland. On a cold but clear…

After 2014 and 2015 I was once again on the train up to Inverness, for a third time Strathpuffer. Equipped with a new set of wheels…