Founded by Round the World singlespeed cyclist & bikepacking trail designer Markus Stitz Bikepacking Scotland is your go to resource for all things bikepacking in Scotland.
We’ll be at the Fort William Mountain Festival all weekend - come and say hi! And what better way than cycling there! You can join us at 5 for the screening of Great British Gravel Rides and at 7 for Bike Night. ... See MoreSee Less
Bikepacking adventures by cargo bike in Scotland - we will add another short one next week cycling to the Fort William Mountain Festival to speak at Bike Night and for a film screening of Great British Gravel Rides on Friday. We'll also bring a box of our books - transported by bike!Markus will add an overnight stop cycling to the festivel - the Tern Bicycles Orox will have plenty of room for t... See MoreSee Less
To all our followers, especially in Germany - if you'd like to order a copy of our books, we can ship them locally here as Markus is visiting. Big Rides and Bikepacking Scotland are 24 Euro, and Great British Gravel Rides 29 Euro - 5% off for two books, 10% off when you order three or more. Happy to include postage costs as well.For all orders in the UK and elsewhere - they will resume on Wedne... See MoreSee Less